Tuesday, September 28, 2010

one more month matha fakas

..count down begins bitches.

One month.

One month until the magic happens.

EXACTLY 30 days.

You may ask what day?

Is it Halloween?

No...No my good sir, even though that is a FIIINE day indeed.

But no my dear child. It is merely the day in which we shall gaze upon with virginal perspective and feel as if you are in the presents of THE ALMIGHTY -

It's ma birdday! Barfday! Funtasticotimeinwhichmymothergavelifetome Day!


Now here is a song I love to sing!


I just love it! It reminds me of times when I'm sad and I miss my family but I remember that they know that I think of them often and I'm doing things from far way to improve my future!

Random thought:
Sure there is some years difference but I'm sure we are twins somehow....or tripplettes. It's just time that seperates us... such a small yet grave thing.

Uttersadness is sad.


I think today needs two photos.



  1. A) haloween is better than youll ever, be so stop bein all beatle'ish and sayin your bigger than jesus,cause halloweens bigger than jesus so thar.B)but u are special rainbow magic awsomness no worries, i kinda like you and stuff.C)i have to poop, mom gave me a piece of toast with cheese on it and then like 2 seconds later my butt got heavy feallin..me thins the toast..or cheese is evil(but cheese cant be evil, to damb good).D) i like your bloggs, they are fun to read they make me all kinds of happy.that is all.

  2. Good to know.. I shall keep doing them
