You know what?
I got ALL excited over my birthday and Halloween, that I completely forgot about another day that is amazing day in October!
Thanksgiving Day!
MMMMmmm, good food. Om a nom day is the best EVER... for feasts....and feces! Nothing like having a good poop after eatting a big dinner! We should be thankful for every fuckin thing we get in life but let's have one day where we come together as a family. Then eat and eat and eat until we are all uncomfortably full. And we can just have that thought of what we are thankful for in the back of our minds as we one just OOOONNNE last slice of pumpkin pie with vanilla icecream...mmmm
Yes, sounds good to me. Maybe a few choosen can do what we did last year before everyone got to me sistas for suppa... get light n fluffy and then go OMA NOMA NOM to AMAZING fuckin food. YES! Totally on my game plan.
Speaking of awesome food. OH MY GODNESS. RICE PUDDING from the PEI FARMERS MARKET IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND I CAN'T WANT TO EAT THAT WHOLE TUB TO MYSELF! I've asked my sisters to preoder/prepay it for me this Saturday so I can have it for when I come down for Thanksgiving. Or so I can take it home to Halifax. OMG. Do I ever love it. I think I was $20 worth or it instead of $10. Last time I got $10 worth, it just wasn't enough!
In class I got some really good feed back from my class on the beat sheet for the story/script I'm working on. It's going to be a lot better reaaal soon. I happy about the changes as well. It's gunna be goood. :D
Pic of the day:
And look at that. The song that was playing in this photo is one of my favorite classical music songs. Pic somewhat related since it has a feel of Fall. I just realised that she is shooting herself in the back! Or someone else is... interesting...
This is a sweet website on healthy eatting and naturopathy! I recommend!
Om a nom day..i like it but it hurts sooo bad. cant wait to see your shinny fluffy face as you consume more food than you do in a year. miss you sissers