Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On & Off Sleep and Ma Moleh Moleh Moleh

I'm better from my first night away from home. I'm sleeping somewhat better. I keep waking up multiple times a night though. This is annoying as fuck. It makes me tired durring the day. I don't want to take a nap because I might have a harder time getting to sleep at night. Anyhoo, we shall see tonight.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but I have a tiny mole on my face, next to my nose. I noticed a blackhead under it and decided to get it. I got it but I got my mole too. It BLED AND BLED AND BLED. My cheek was crying one long tear. What a sad lilo cheek it'was. Now I have a hole full of blood. How pretty. The morning it happened my man and I had already decided to go to the mall. I had to put a band-aid over it. I was Nelly Jr. All I could think of was the song by Nelly, "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes" when ever I looked into the mirror. lol.

Pics of the day!

Merry Christmas!

And this is just funny.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Kittie Update + XMas = Weee!

I actually can't wait until the Christmas Break and next semester of school. I can't wait to see my family. I have missed them. I'm sad I'm not going to see my oldest sister though. This semester surprisingly hasn't been as busy as the other years. Next semester is going to be freakin crazy though but I'm happy for that. It shall keep me out of the house more; doing more activities.

 It's nice that I get a chance almost every week to hang out with one of my friends that don't go to my school. Last night we went to a comedy show where a group did some skits and some improve. It was good! There were some funny parts for sure.

The cat that we are fostering has really warmed up to us. He trusts us now. He used to hate or be scared of you and hiss then run away all the time. But now he's such a sook; moewing to get attention and lovin' alls the times. He's such a handsome boy! We thought he still had balls, which ment he wasn't neutered. But I poked them, funny enough, and found out they were just puffs of empty sacks of furr. Oh well! At least we have safe of mind that he's not going to go spray his scent everywhere. He's a very behaved cat though. It the door is open, he won't attempt to dash outside.  We can all pick him up now too. I think he's back to being a normal cat. The only time that he's rough is when you are playing with him. If you stopped playing he doesn't really know that you've stopped playing, so, he might scratch you. He's finally been throughout the house. He's even been in the kitchen which he avoided for the longest time because it's the loudest and busiest room in our house. And he's good with multipule people being around. If he doesn't like something, he just goes back upstairs so he can be alone. I would like to see what he's like with kids though.  See if he's okay with them.

Anyhoo that's all for now! Here are the pics of the day:

This is basicly how they teach you at my school. Give you the basics and then throw you into the major picture for reals. Not saying that it's a bad way though...

And this is just a very pretty photo of  some balloons at an art gallery here where I am situated. It was taken by a classmate of mine. I likes it a loot.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Handsome Hudson, The "Snitch" & The Christmas feeling

Handsome Hudson. Well, his name is Hudson, but he is OUR foster cat! YAY!! I came home to find a note saying that we have a cat! And to not let him outside!! There I was with the door wide open! I was panicing, going "oh fuck oh fuck, I let him out!!" But then after I looked throughout the house, I found him upstairs. He hissed at me when I came in and hid under my roommates bed. I layed on my belly and talked to him for a half hour. I told him how we are going to take good care of him and talked about the other people he's going to be living with. I said all good things about them to him and I told him I'm going to buy him treats. Later on I read the rest of the note saying that he was upstairs...Jeeez...I should really read all of a note before panicing. Hudson is 2 years old. He is all white except his tail! His tail is tiger striped like my cat Cleo (RIP) had. He's sucha handsome boy!! OH MY GOODNESS!

This is pretty much rewording aka copy and pasting what the add said about Handsome Hudson. He had been living inside a metal kennel in a busy veterinary clinic since his rescue. He spent the summer and fall indoors at the vet hospital. We had such a nice summer too! They said his winter fur is not growing in. If we didn't foster him Hudson’s destiny would have been euthanasia. He’s been traumatized by the barking dogs, hissing cats, whirring machinery and strange voices and unfamiliar smells. Last June he got hit by a car prior to being homeless, skinny and boney. He needed an environment where he could settle down and have peace and security. They said that "Even living under a bed in a quiet spare room would be better than his current circumstances." That's were he is most of the time but he's getting used to and warming up to my roommate and I. Hopefully maybe in less than a month he'll want to come down stairs and sniff/check out the place. He’s been neutered, his injuries were fixed up, and he received his vaccines and tested negative for feline disease....and HE'S A HANDSOME BOOOYYY!! OMG!

He's kind of is a hissy pissy pants because he doesn't trust humans or much of anything/anyone yet. But I can tell you can win him through food! I'm thinking about giving him tuna water. Kitties love tuna water. So, I guess I'm having Tuna tomorrow! Yay! Or maybe not... I had tuna not too long ago. We'll see! My roommate said my mans going to love Hudson because they both have something in common. They both hate humans, lol. True dat!

My roomate also surprised me again!! With A CHRISTMAS TREEEE!! And most of the trimmings! It's all most decorated. It needs some type of star or something. We have an angel but meh. The house is all puurdy with Christmas stuffs n stuffs! My mans gunna come home and he's gunna be all like "You didn't do your essay did you. You decorated the house instead." And Imma gunna be like, "Nooooo. YESSS."
lol Noo...I'll get that essay done FO SHO!!

Speaking of school. So I got accused of being a snitch at my university. I had been complaining to my friend who's a journalist for her university about all that shit that's been going on with my school. She thought it was a good story and I pointed her towards some people she could get some info from. Well since she wrote a "rude" email to one of my professors (who then forwarded it to two of my other professors) they think they can't trust me with things they say about the new building and other shit. All I can think is FUCK THE POLICE. Police as in them. FUCK. Like FUCK! SERIOUSLY? My friend read me the email she sent to them and there was one thing..ONE THING that she misunderstood or misDIDNTFUCKINKNOW OKAY! She said how she thought the building was shut down because of espesdoes. But really what happened was while they were doing renovations they found this mold and it held up the renovations, making it longer for them to finish. That's all. And now they think I'm a fuckin snitch. HELLO SHE'S NOT PAPARAZZI!! She's not tring to look for something sexy and dirty! After this happened I was like... I wanna listen to Up Up & Away by Kid Cudi. le sigh.

Anyhoo time for the pics of the day!

This is how I feel about the school situation above ^

And this is how I feel about Hansome Hudson and the Christmas Stuffs! Yay!

All somehow Star Trek related because chaknow...the shows awesome!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Movie I Loved as a Kid, Weight Gain & Rant

Sadly my friends it looks like we're not going to foster a cat. The only animals they foster to other people are animals that are sick or pregnant. I don't really have much time for that much responsibility. Oh wells. I guess I'll just smother my cat when I get home or my mans cats when I visit the "in-laws".

I've been feeling much better lately. After finding out I wasn't chosen to make a film for my classes, I broke down and just (for fun) decided to gain some weight. Isn't that awesome? FUCK. I am running on my tredmil at least 5-6 times a week now. Goooo meeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I've re-watched one of my favorite movies as a kid. Xanadu. Before watching it, I went to IMDB.com to check out the rating it had and to my amazment it was a sad little 4.5/10. Re-watching it I quickly realized why. The screenplay for it is awful. A lot of the story doesn't really make sense and the characters arn't very developed. I was soon reminded why the one reason why I love the movie was for them awesome songs and dance numbers. " XANADU! XANADUUUUUU! NOW WE ARE HERE!! XANADUUU! NOW THAT YOU'RE HERE, NOW THAT YOUR NEAR, XANADUU!" or "DON'T WALK AWAY! DON'T SAY GOODBYE! DON'T TURN AROUND! DON'T LET IT DIE! WHEN SHADOWS FALL! WHEN DAY IS DONE! ALL THROUGH THE NIIIIIGHT!" Yah! It makes me all warm 'n' fussy inside.

I'm actually quite angry at the film program at my university. It's a tad bit of a rip off really and not very organised or thought throughly enough. First reason why is because my university is in millions and millions of dollars in debt. So, of course they don't have enough money to spread around. And since the film program is one of the most neglected programs at my university it gets the tail end of a budget. This then affects what gear, equipment and software we can get and have access to.

Second reason: The building where the film program usually is situated has been under construction since the summer. It was supposed to be finished by September. We found out less than a few weeks before school started that it wasn't going to be ready. Since the construction wasn't finished, they had to find a building that was suitable for having film classes and a proper studio to shoot in. Well, what they found was fucking crap. It was a last minute choice and a poor one. I find it rude and appauling that whoever
"okay-ed" the location has absolutely no respect for the students and the work that they might accomplish.

Third reason: The student lounge has only one working computer. Yes, we did only have one working computer in the student lounge at the old film campus BUT we had an office in which students were freely able to use various computers whenever students wanted. The student lounge has no where to really "lounge" about. There is a printer/photocopier, one working computer and a coat rack. 0O0H AHHH. We's livin' in luxury hera.

Fourth reason: The classrooms are always always always tooo freakin hot. I appreciate that we can afford emounts of heat but they don't have to cook us alive. And since there is so much traffic around the location, at times I can't even hear my professor speak!

Which bring me to the Fifth reason: The studio. The studio. The studio. The studio is not a studio; not for filming! Since the location is right next to the port, there are very loud sounds of cars, transport trucks, buses and cruise ships. This affects the filming of any film we try to shoot. It is impossible to get any good sound. Even the studio itself has piping in which everytime anyone uses the washroom, you hear the pipes squealing; litterly squealing. If it rains, you can hear it clear as day hitting the roof. This is one of the main reasons why I highly disapprove of this location. Like I said, if they had any respect and hope for the work we might accomplish, they would have picked a much better spot and would have taken much more time looking for one.

Sound is one of the main reasons why a lot of good films are great. Or even commercials and music videos! Why do you love that commercial? Why do you love that film? Why do you like that music video? Unconsiously we just think, "Man! What a great movie!" But really if you watch and listen to it you'll find the sound has nothing wrong with it and you can hear your actors clearly and you just think, "Ya, so what? There was nothing wrong with it." EXACTLY. There isn't supposed to be anything wrong with it. One good example is the film "Paranormal Activity". They used a low budget camera but had a million dollar sound track! And why is that movie sooo freakin scary as I hear it is? I guarentee you %90 the reason you were scared was because of the awesome sound track matched nicely with perposly steatchy footage.

And last but not least the Sixth reason: No 24/7 access. At our old film campus we had 24/7 access. Now it's harder to get into this building after hours.

I'm sure I'm missing other reasons but with all that said and done I am still happy I went to the university that I am in. The history classes are great. The terms and skills that I have learned from various other classes will help me in the long run. I have done things I never thought I could have done or think of doing. I have learned things I wouldn't have learned or would have taken me longer to learn in the "real world". The people I have met and liked by going to university were worth it. I just don't think that this Fourty Thousand Dollar Experence was really worth Fourty Thousand Dollars....


Before & After photo of  "me" when I opened my email to find out that I wasn't chosen to shoot my film.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hair Dressers Shoes , Bdays and Kitties oh my!

Did you ever notice how hair dressers have nice shoes? Well, the hair dressers at Kara's Hair Salon do. Since it's kind of impolite to staire at your hair dresser while they are cutting your hair, what else to you look at? Peoples feet/ shoes.....or old hair crammed in a corner somewhere you think no one else can see...and you think, "I wonder how long that's been there."

I got my hair done at Kara's as a birthday present from my man. The guy did a really good job dying it. But he almost KILLED (overly exaggerated of course) me doing it! When I was young I used to cry when hair dressers would cut my hair because my scalp was sensitive. My mom would always warn the hair dressers this. As I grew up I thought that that was all bolonie. But nooope. I swear I was in pain the whole time. For three freakin hours. I was soo close to crying. I don't even think he cut my hair properly because I'm pretty sure I still have dead ends. But it looks great anyway! Maybe I just have bad luck with male hair dressers. I know better next time.

My birthday party went purdy good. My first best friend came down from another province to see me. Her girlfriend even came down too. It is always great to see them! :) Few other people came from my school too. I'm so happy they all came!! ^_^ Bowling and going dancin was fun too. We got into the bar for free because we were all students. Talk about bonus. The potlock was alright too. Had fun playing Scrabble.

This morning I got up after noon. Then my friend from another province and I went out for some light and fluffys and coffee. It was great. And for the first time I'm making special cookies. It shall be another fun night.

OH MY GOODNESS. GUESS WHAT. The house is adopting a cat! Well, fostering it for I think a month or so. I can't wait!! I love Kitties. I miss having a cat around being all like LOVE MEEE. And I'm like "OH MY GOODNESS, HAROW KITTIE. I LOVES YOUS." *snug snug snuggles* *pet pet pet* <3 <3

This is what I shall be doing tonight.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Everything happens for a reason.

 So I was is thinking about writing a script about a gay cleptomaniac afganistan prositute crossdresser who works as a waitress and is suffering from Nostolga when they get beat up at school.....because that is what all of the storys were about, in a very quick summery, that got chosen to be filmed.

But no.. no... it is not the end of the world. I shall make my movie one way or another without everyones forced help and money. 

I have nothing else to say but good day.

The .gif and this photo shows how I felt.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Side effects

Do you know what I HATE about percsription drugs? SIDEFFECTS. Why can't they be: "May cause happiness." "May cause millions of dollars." "May cause multipule orgasims."

Now THAT would be nice. But no.... no...

Fuckin...uncontrollable emotions that swing and sway at any time. Good times! >:( MOTHERFUCKERS

Thank god I'm DONE of them....just in time for Thanksgiving weekend so I can be at my ultimate awesomeness.

Oh my goodness am I ever having trouble with my story. I need the road of trials!!! WHAT MAKES MA CHARACTER WANT TO CHANGE???  FUUCKKK...
It'll be figure AAALLL out on the weekend. The C sisters shall figure things out. BOOYA ^_^

Woody needs an other hobbie....


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Om-a-nom day

You know what?

I got ALL excited over my birthday and Halloween, that I completely forgot about another day that is amazing day in October!

Thanksgiving Day!

MMMMmmm, good food. Om a nom day is the best EVER... for feasts....and feces! Nothing like having a good poop after eatting a big dinner! We should be thankful for every fuckin thing we get in life but let's have one day where we come together as a family. Then eat and eat and eat until we are all uncomfortably full. And we can just have that thought of what we are thankful for in the back of our minds as we one just OOOONNNE last slice of pumpkin pie with vanilla icecream...mmmm

Yes, sounds good to me. Maybe a few choosen can do what we did last year before everyone got to me sistas for suppa... get light n fluffy and then go OMA NOMA NOM to AMAZING fuckin food. YES! Totally on my game plan.

Speaking of awesome food. OH MY GODNESS. RICE PUDDING from the PEI FARMERS MARKET IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND I CAN'T WANT TO EAT THAT WHOLE TUB TO MYSELF! I've asked my sisters to preoder/prepay it for me this Saturday so I can have it for when I come down for Thanksgiving. Or so I can take it home to Halifax. OMG. Do I ever love it. I think I was $20 worth or it instead of $10. Last time I got $10 worth, it just wasn't enough!

In class I got some really good feed back from my class on the beat sheet for the story/script I'm working on. It's going to be a lot better reaaal soon. I happy about the changes as well. It's gunna be goood. :D

Pic of the day:

 And look at that. The song that was playing in this photo is one of my favorite classical music songs. Pic somewhat related since it has a feel of Fall. I just realised that she is shooting herself in the back! Or someone else is... interesting...

ps. http://navigatingnaturopathy.blogspot.com/
This is a sweet website on healthy eatting and naturopathy! I recommend!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

one more month matha fakas

..count down begins bitches.

One month.

One month until the magic happens.

EXACTLY 30 days.

You may ask what day?

Is it Halloween?

No...No my good sir, even though that is a FIIINE day indeed.

But no my dear child. It is merely the day in which we shall gaze upon with virginal perspective and feel as if you are in the presents of THE ALMIGHTY -

It's ma birdday! Barfday! Funtasticotimeinwhichmymothergavelifetome Day!


Now here is a song I love to sing!


I just love it! It reminds me of times when I'm sad and I miss my family but I remember that they know that I think of them often and I'm doing things from far way to improve my future!

Random thought:
Sure there is some years difference but I'm sure we are twins somehow....or tripplettes. It's just time that seperates us... such a small yet grave thing.

Uttersadness is sad.


I think today needs two photos.


Sunday, September 26, 2010


I'm s-tick. That's right. S-tick. That's how you say 'I'm sick" when you have a stuffy nose.

I'm sick guys. Well, just a stuffy nose, so I'm sure my immune system has it all under control. NOT TO WORRY. DO NOT PANIC.

Anyway, I had a good day today. I rested to get better from my beginning-of-a-cold.

I had a good night last night. Ma buddy came over with a friend and watched UFC with my man and his friend. It was a good time. They got nice and buzzed while I got my way...light n fluffy.

We had to do a run at the convenience story and ma buddy and I got ice creams! We're like OMG MINT CHOCOLATE YES!

The audition went great for the second lead role. I think I will choose her. The audition itself could have gone better but oh wells. I should have known better but it was MY first audition that I had to do for MY film. I usually help others with it but when it's your own it's a bit more overwhelming.

Pic of the day shall beeee:

Pic someone related since that is all I really did today.


Friday, September 24, 2010

best post you'll ever read

Early morning. Was late for class by a few minutes. Found out that I did my homework wrong, but so did everybody. Don't feel so bad even though it's going to be marked as late. Whoot whoot.

Worked at NSCAD for a bit. Learning new shit erryday...but then forgetting what I learned when I go home...


I really need to work there or go there more often, just to look and use the equipment. How else am I going to learn and remember all that!

I have one person to audition this weekend. It's my second lead. Hopefully she's great. She sounds great. British people are hard to find in Halifax. IS'NT THA JOST LOWVLEY? I should get going on more auditions. Hmm...I'll start this week coming up.

You know what's hard to control? My emotions when I'm hungry. I'm like lighting and thunder. I snap just as quick as lighting and I don't say anything until a few minutes later when all my emotions, mostly anger, are all pent up and then I RUMBLE like thunder. So, unpredictable. Most likely the person I shot down didn't deserve it.

So, Imma gunna start posting a pic I like a day. Pic might be related to my blog or maybe it won't. You decide.

If you don't like it then you can goooo...

...get some icecream! Yay!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

spelling mistake or not...just keep reading

I went to class today.  ISN'T THAT AMAZING! You're life is complete and you don't have to live any longer.


Anyway, why is it that I don't like to talk to people? I don't like to be around people. But it's nothing I can't handle. I can socialise. I just don't really know how to do it right all the time. I just don't care about other peoples, in which I don't really know, lives. I socialise when I have to. Or maybe I don't talk enough and I'm not used to it. Maybe I'm like Charles Chaplin where the reason why he never talked in movies is because he would have too much to say. Or maybe my heart is just cold and I'm selfish and I just plain don't care.

I have a hard time explaining myself too. I cannot really re-tell a joke or a story well. People ask, "So, Laura, what's your story about?" And I'm FUCKIN STUMPED. I'm like," Well.....HURP DURP."

FUCK I spend hours on a script/beat sheet and then I come out of my room and someone could just ask me what's my story about? And I'm like....FUCK Just READ what I worked on. Ma mind man... my mind can't puke up what I just worked on.

Anyway, the script is getting a lot of changes. It's a lot different from what the original story was but it's getting a lot better! I can't wait to make it! I'll post a synopsis of it when I WANNA.
